Kia Stinger & Genesis G70/G80 Charge Pipe Injection (CPI) Kit for the 3.3L Motor | R 16105 – Check Prices Buy Online


Kia Stinger & Genesis G70/G80 Charge Pipe Injection (CPI) Kit for the 3.3L Motor – Introducing our new Kia Stinger/Genesis G70/G80 charge pipe injector (CPI) kit
For those running E85 mixtures and higher boost levels, the factory high pressure fuel pump has proven to be a limiting factor to performance. Previously installing water/meth injection was the only way around this limit but the Fuel-It! CPI kit now offers a clean and easy to use alternative!CPI adds a 7th fuel injector in the charge pipe, similar to a water/meth nozzle, only rather than having a separate tank/pump it’s attached to the factory low fuel pressure system. Fuel is metered via JB4 FSB integration or a stand alone fuel injector controller. The result is an additional 75-100hp worth of fueling capacity! Just enough room to max out factory turbos on E85 mixtures!The full kit includes a Fuel-IT! flex fuel sensor for precise E85 readings allowing the JB4 to meter CPI flow appropriately. The CPI kit features a CNC machined injector holder, quality AN fuel lines, and all required fittings for installation. Requires a 1/8″ NPT bung with adequate clearance for the injector housing. For those running a BMS intercooler, the included 1/8″ NPT bung placement is ideal. Note CPI can not be installed with the BMS MAP sensor WMI nozzle adapter. You can drill/tap an 1/8″ NPT hole on your factory chargepipe if needed.
Applications • 2018+ Kia Stinger• 2018+ Genesis G70/G80
Option 1 (Full kit)
Fuel line adapter
Wire harness
-4AN Fuel line
Cam lock Tee with -4AN adapter
Single CPI adapter with 950cc injector
CPI tool
Standard 2 harness for Stinger FF kit
Ethanol Sensor (429)
Option 2 (Add on to existing Fuel-It Flex Fuel F kit)
Fuel line adapter
Wire harness
-4AN Fuel line
Cam lock Tee with -4AN adapter
Single CPI adapter with 950cc injector
CPI tool
Available controllers
FSB JB4 Port Injection Controller:
Questions and AnswersQ:  What is CPI? 
A:  Charge Pipe Injection (CPI) is our new proprietary system that allows you to add an additional to your boosted application with any standard 1/8″ NPT female connection in your charge pipe or intake system.
Q:  Is it expandable?
A:  Yes, we have two types of injector bodies.  The first has one input that can be run by itself or we have an injector body with two connections so you can daisy chain in additional injector fed from the same fuel source.  For those looking to run more than one injector, we recommend staggering the injectors and not running them directly opposed for this application.
Q:  How is it controlled?
A:  You must use a port injection controller,  You can run a stand alone controller or if running a JB4, you can use the BMS port injector controller or FSB.
Q:  Can I use this without a secondary injector controller?
A:  No, this is a PWM controlled injector that must be programmed.
Q:  Is tuning included with this kit?
A:  For those running a JB4 free tuning advice is provided, no tuning support is provided for those running flash only.
Q:  What kind of fuel can I run?
A:  These kits are compatible with methanol, ethanol, E85, race gas, and pump gas.
Q:  Where do I connect to the fuel source?
A:  This kit includes our stock fuel line adapter for the fuel source.
Q: What is the difference between WMI and CPI and which is better for me? A:
Dyno Results: 2022 Kia Stinger, JB4, CPI, Intake, Exhaust, 45% E85. – R 16105

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